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These are the most recent public posts from people on the social web that people on himself.alexanderdunkel.com follow.

I've been chatting with 3 different 3rd party Loops developers, gave them access to new APIs and look forward to keeping them in the loop (heh) with the upcoming API docs.

Also, I'm working on some pretty big features that will be rolling out very soon.

Loops is bringing the presents to the #fediverse christmas tree 🎄

There's this moment in life for each of us where the reality stops looking like anything you knew from your life so far and starts to scare you and you just hope you'll pass away before it really gets to you (which is probably not gonna happen, tbh) and I think this might be the moment for me.


MIT Technology Review · AI can now create a replica of your personalityBy James O'Donnell
Continued thread

Apparently I need to clarify that no real computers were thrown into any real oceans. No computers were harmed in the making of this poll, unfortunately.

It feels like I'm racing against a bunch of 3rd party developers, but at the same time, I fucking love it.

Instead of trying to limit 3rd party developers, I'm going to embrace them.

Working on the API docs now.

The loops community will find the best app(s) for them, and that's all that really matters.

Putting people first is amazing, it's that "magic" that makes the fediverse so special.


loops.videoLoops by PixelfedLoops, explore and share short videos on the fediverse. Available soon!